For the second year in a row I had the immense pleasure of photographing Mothercraft Ottawa‘s Touch A Truck event. Hundreds of families marvelled at, crawled all over, and honked the horns of a wide variety of trucks brought in to support the charity. City Services, Construction, Logistics, Military, Public Safety, and more than a few recreational vehicles showed up to show off and bring the joy of big machines to little kids.
Most the trucks had their engines on display.
Getting the trucks ready for showtime is a family affair.
A little girl excited by what’s outside her truck.
Dante’s Pride
Two storm troopers from the 501st checking out Dante’s Pride.
Okay, this isn’t the Firefighter photo my wife was hoping for, but I think he’s a photogenic fellow.
Did you know Ottawa has an Ambulance bus?
There were a number of police officers from both the RCMP and Ottawa police – all were super friendly and engaging with the kids.
A kid put the hand cuff on his Mom, only to learn that the police officer didn’t have the keys to them (or so she said with a smile)
A kid tries his hand at boxing thanks to the Ottawa Academy of Martial Arts.
Maybe I’m getting old, but it feels like excavator operators get younger every year.
I’ve never seen a line-up to get into a garbage truck before – but the kids loved it!
Kids playing on the garbage truck
Not all trucks are big, or clean.