To celebrate that which makes us unique, weird, and awesome.
By capturing photos that celebrate people and make them feel good about themselves and what they do.
Event, portrait, and performing artist photography focusing on interesting people doing cool things.
Based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, but able to travel for the right project.
Evenings, weekends, and whenever the right project presents itself.
My Story
I never really fit in.
In high school I wasn’t academic enough to hang out with the smart kids, I sucked at sports so there went the jocks, I was too socially awkward for the cool kids, I had no serious anti-social tendencies to fit in with the rough crowd, or enough teen angst for the troubled youth. I was a misfit and eventually I found my home and family with other misfits.
We were artists, musicians, mathematicians, computer nerds, history buffs, science fiction aficionados, political junkies, and everything else. All it took to fit in with us was to give a shit about something.
As adults we are no longer held captive by high school cliques. We discover that sharing our passions is more important than social convention. More and more we are all misfits saying “This is who I am and this is what I love.”
Too often I hear people say “I’m not photogenic”, and I call bullshit on that. If looking good in a photograph was easy and natural there wouldn’t be an industry of professional models, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t an awesome photo of you crying out to be captured. Whatever it is you are passionate about, whatever misfit tendencies you indulge with pride, that’s where we will find your awesome photogenic self.
This is why I do what I do. I celebrate what it is that makes us unique, weird, wonderful, and awesome.
The socials
I post updates, news, and albums on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/krullca and Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/krullphoto/
When you’re ready, drop me a line at matt@krull.ca.